Work in a workspace

Typically, researchers perform a variety of tasks in the Media Suite, such as formulating queries for searching collections, gathering resources and making annotations. The Media Suite offers a “virtual Workspace” where researchers can save their work. This workspace provides researchers with the possibility to manage their research process while enabling transparency.

In the Workspace researchers can organise their work in ‘ User projects ’. In the Figure below, an overview of these functions is presented:

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User Projects

In the Media Suite, a User project is defined as a container for storing personal corpora and annotations, created during search and analysis of the data available in the Media Suite. Some of the Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) typically used by researchers, refer to user projects as “hermeneutic units” (in Atlas.ti) or “Projects” (in NVIVO).

In the Media Suite, for instance, a researcher can create a user project for a topic or for a research question, which will help them, among others, to:

  • Group together entire items or fragments for creating a corpus (the so-called “bookmarks”),

  • Add and retrieve manual annotations

  • Store and compare saved queries

  • Keep track of their browsing history (the so-called “navigation paths” in the Exploratory tool)

  • Take screenshots of “tool sessions” in the Exploratory tool

In the User Project page in the Workspace you see the list of your personal user projects (This will be empty for first time users). Here, you can:

  • Create a new user project.

  • View the list of projects with their name, description, project owner, access rights, and the creation date.

  • Open a user project, delete it, or export it.